Monday, October 24, 2005

Weekend Wrap with a Little Porno

What a great weekend. Friday night saw the official celebration of Kate From England's visa arrival. The famous martini glass made an appearance and held 4 French Vanilla Vodka coolers. Such a yummy way to celebrate such a great thing.

Saturday was a day for smiles as well. The Bruins managed to finally played to their full potential and beat the Penguins 6-3. While the win kept me quite happy, I think the real test comes tonight as the Bruins play in Toronto against a team that actually has a victory this year!

I saw the new Egoyan film on Sunday and was quite impressed. Although this was my first exposure to the "Other Man" in my girl's life, there is something about a well written, directed and acted movie that makes going to the cinema worth while...oh yeah and the girl on girl action helped too!

Side Note: Why is it that morons still insist on leaving their cellphones on in the theatre??? I really believe that the statute of limitations for accepting this kind of behaviour has expired. Cellphones have been out long enough that everyone should frickin' remember the courtesy of turning them off. And so you forget (yet again) to turn it off and it rings...DO NOT FRICKIN' ANSWER IT!!! I swear some people are retarded.

Anyway, the weekend was great and I am looking forward to the game tonight. I don't have any predictions about who is going to win (as Bruins/Leaf battles are usually unpredictable) but what I will say is Tie Domi will get a point. There is something about that guy that makes him score a point virtually every game I have seen him play against the B's.
Go Bruins!!!


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Kate From England said...

Such a flattering shot...thank you! :o)

I am very pleased that you enjoyed Egoyan - the guy is a cinematic genius and I appreciate you company on Sunday. As for the-girl-on-girl...I hope it makes you realize how good you have it! How many guys can say that their girlfriends make them watch porn on a Sunday afternoon huh?!


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