Friday, August 18, 2006

Rocking Weekend Planned

Hey all. So it is Friday, the end of what has been a very weird week. Work's been crazy (more than usual) and I am looking forward to the weekend ahead. The Red Sox head into the weekend 1.5 games behind the shite New York Yankees and they are playing the Yanks in a 5 game series at Fenway this weekend. So all things going well, the Sox will be a 3.5 games up on the Yanks come Tuesday morning (ok not likely but here's hoping).
Greg and Liz are coming over tonight for a BBQ which will have many photos to share and some great times. G & L are two friends that Kate and I don't get to see enough but when we do, it is always a riot and we always pick up right where we left off. I think we all have good friends like that.
And tomorrow we head to the Argos game. Yeah there is a story there but not to be told on a blog. Kate and I have a "friend" who has hooked us up with some will be an interesting time for sure. Anyway, here's to fun weekend all, I know I need it!


At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Bosox will end up 5.5 games back after the Fenway battle with the mighty NYY!

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Harris said...

Judging by game one (currently 8-3 for NY) things aren't looking good for the Bosox


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