Sunday, March 12, 2006

Back from Boston, packing for Austin

short post, just to say we got home safe and sound...uh despite two Bruins losses. I am currently in the process of packing for Austin, TX, but many photos will follow of Boston on my flickr stay tuned.

Before I go, I just want to thank Kate for making me take the trip to Boston. It has been something I have always wanted to do, but it took her motivation to get it done. Thanks for the trip baby, I love you very much and I am proud to say I saw my first NHL game in Boston with you and that your first NHL game (ever!) was with me. It only took me 27 years to see the B's score in Boston, I highly doubt it will be another 27 before it happens again. (well saying that...the way the B's are playing....ah nevermind!)

Thanks again Kate.


At 12:43 PM, Blogger Kate From England said...

Travel safely baby...


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